Creating Opportunities via Open Source

Creating Opportunities via Open Source

This code was gifted to me by Jessie Schell of Schell Games. The intent behind the design is for anyone to be able to take an idea to a video game.

Here was his manifesto

I am looking for open-source developers who read Ruby and are interested in being on the founding team of an open-source project. The code is OLD so this project will provide you a FIRM foundation for any and ALL issues you would face in a real-life.

This is NOT a call for FREE work.

I have reviewed Github's Guide to Open Source however, after doing interviews with some developers and investors via Venture Deals I have been advised to have a Software Engineer looking to enter the field or a current project manager with a Junior who needs a project to cut their teeth on to coordinate this project.

I am looking for persons who need a LIVE functioning product or code base for experience and reference verification as they pursue their career search, development, etc. The end goal is to become a project similar to Free Code Camp, with a monetization scheme that's currently set up on Open Collective and to provide bounties on Gitcoin. Financial transactions are currently set up through Stripe but the end-goal is for transactions to be on Finxact. Thereby making my Open-Source Interactive Studio self-sufficient, and community built from the members of the community.

I'm looking to give Greenwood Bank some competition!

I have interested parties who need to see me with a basic breakdown from the repository manager, software engineer, etc. regarding the estimated cost of developers. I have also been connecting with other organizations like Arweave

I am committed to providing resources and support for work/life well-being i.e Gradifi helps employers provide tax-free student loan repayment benefits. If you would like an example of how I support a community, please visit my profile on Career Karma.


The Video demo is a concept for a digital video game tarot deck using (NFT). Legal concerns with Epic Games prevent a paper option for the concept. The code is the app that would be used to create the design document for production and the project is the example for other creators and training.

For those interested in learning more about me and my vision of Loptr Lab, below is an interview I did with Adrienne MacIain, Ph.D., aka The Story Whisperer. A creation coach, here to empower you to release your masterpiece!

Episode Description How can you reclaim your power as a human? What if you’ve been part of a marginalized minority for generations? Is it possible to redirect your own life to a place of happiness when so many external factors are working against you? Join us as this week’s guest, Dominique D. Devereaux @i.b.loud of Loptr Lab's open-source interactive media studio, gives us her unique perspective on how to take your power back and redirect your life to where you really want to be.

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